Saturday 12 November 2016

"Animal Abuse" --- By Huda Irshad

Cruelty to animals, also called animal abuse or animal neglect, is the intentional infliction by humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human animal, regardless of whether the act is against the law.(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

As I put some light on the definition of Animal abuse it is pretty much clear as an act that is totally voluntary and is not supported by any belief whatsoever. Pick a belief for instance, any at all, none of it promotes or preaches hurting any being no matter how legit the cause is. There can be a scenario where a dog goes crazy at you and you decide to shoot it. But why go violent when you can help?
Why do you think would you ‘a mere human’ go crazy at someone? When we are depressed to an extent and the Mr. Hyde in us feels like ripping apart everything and everyone that comes in front of us. May it be smashing glass or beating the soul out of someone. Humans also go crazy sometimes and do we shoot them? Physically abuse them? Do we?

There is no justification in the whole wide world as to if animal abuse is right. I am a cat’s person and that is not the only reason why seeing every animal in pain makes my heart and my very soul ache. What lacks in the culprits is compassion. Compassion is something that we teach a child ‘a learning brain’ I do not mean to offend anyone that their brought up is being questioned. Some children witness violence at such an age that it influences their entire life. Some parents demonstrate animal abuse which makes the children think it’s the right thing to do. Animal? They deserve it. The question that bothers some is thousands of frogs; their lives are put at stake just for the sake of education every year. So many donkeys and horses are hit violently just to make them carry the loads faster. Nobody gives it a thought because that’s how it’s supposed to be, right? That’s how we have been seeing it happen all our lives, what difference would we make if we speak up about it? At least it would make a little more difference than it makes when we become silent as walls when we see animals in pain. A big ratio of people do not care seeing humans in pain and it justifies how they can see animals in pain too and not do anything about it and in some cases can freely cause pain as well. These are the people I am compelled to believe, are in a state of limbo. They clearly do not have the idea of what they are doing by living as a superior creation of God. They can think and talk and so many things that animals can’t do. What they lack is, is Love. People do not have enough love in their lives to let it encompass them which will help them insinuate it towards animals and other beings. I do not put the blame on the people involved in Animal abuse or their parents. The blame is on Us. We on an individual level do not try to put a stop to it or to help talk people out of this state of mind where they cannot distinguish between what is right and what is not. Animal abuse is not right. About donkeys, horses or frogs they are used for the welfare of humanity and whatever the purpose may be if an animal is given unnecessary pain, it hurts. Don’t. Learn to say No to things you feel are wrong. If you think it will be embarrassing just imagine yourself being a child. It’s no shame taking a stand for something you feel straight from your heart that is wrong and it just doesn’t feels right.
Animals are used for food, carrying our burdens, educational purposes, in wars etc. and also kept as pets. Keeping pets is a whole different scenario too. Some do it because it’s cool. Some do it because they simply love them and care about them. See the difference? Just a thought, but when animals are slaughtered to eat and while slaughtering them the person doing it doesn’t know the exact part where to put the knife but tries it twice thrice anyway or when cows are milked using technology. I swear it made my heart ache just writing about it. What we need is to put ourselves in their shoes. Pain is pain. Pain is nothing but pain. It is either less or it is a lot of pain. Some philosophers have argued that animal’s ability to feel pain makes them of equal consideration as humans.
 Jeremy Bentham, the founder of utilitarianism, famously wrote in his An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789):
"The question is not, can they reason nor can they talk? but, can they suffer?"
Okay I would like to share something. I had this perfect cat who was family to me. He had it in his genes and became a stray. Being the alpha-cat of the community and staying out of home for hours we wanted him to stay home more than anything as he was aging now. 7 years is a lot of cat years. He fell sick and I still don’t exactly know what caused it. The doctor visited for the regular checkup and did his castration without even asking us. He just did the operation real quick. It was few days from that operation that he started showing symptoms of sickness. He started hiding in dark places and wouldn’t socialize with other cats. He had a psychological attack to be very honest and it affected him severely. And it has been a month. I miss him so much. He was in so much pain, so much pain in the end it wrenches my heart I can still see it in my head. Pain. It was caused somehow by a human who didn’t even bother to think how severe it would get.

While driving people monotonously run over animals let alone animals they run over humans too.! It’s a study that says children who unnecessarily torture animals are the future serial killers. It’s all their psychology that messes up everything. Their sense of differentiating between right and wrong is a little malfunctioned. That is where the problem lies. Have compassion.

Being a Muslim, the best initiative I can give all you beautiful people reading this is, Allah loves those who loves His creation. Why not have compassion for every being and feel for their pain? Its way better than inflicting pain. So you decide if Animal Abuse is justified or not. Causing unnecessary pain is a kind deed or not?

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