Monday 6 April 2015

A Silent Reformist: Ghalib Khalil --- By Remsha Jhutt

It is said that
"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself."
As i'm on the mission to introduce world with the best humans from my heaven, Pakistan. And Yes! I've found another one from my native city Sialkot. Ghalib Khalil, an activist and a social worker. "Ghalib"means dominant but I've found him so meek and mild. I had a chance to meet him on an event "Sayonee". Before that event, I also participated in a campaign of letter writing to the soldiers. The motive of that campaign was to unity with the army on the mission of Zarb e Azb, against terrorism. I played a very little role in this campaign by collecting letters from my university. But it gave me a huge pleasure to be a part of it. That time Ghalib was strange to me. His project 'Azaad Pakistan' grasped my all attentions. yes! Azaad
Pakistan, a project by Rescue Pakistan Youth Foundation. Ghalib Khalil founded it in 2010, when floods hit Pakistan. Its name describes its objective that they are rescuing Pakistan by its very own youth force. Flood destroyed many houses and deprived people from their basics. In that time when his country mates was striving for life, Ghalib couldn't sit idle. His patriotic spirit forced him to set up this foundation to collect the funds for the flood victims. And the mission was successful. In his interview to the BBC news, he said that he started from 25000 PKR and within 2 days they collected 200,000 PKR. It was really motivational for him to continue the fund raising. 

Ghalib proved himself a true human and a patriotic. For that, he was selected from 30,000 candidates as a finalist for the Student Icon Award from all over Pakistan. Later, he was called in UK to attend the Gala Award Week hosted by the common wealth. He was selected as UNESCO Peace Champion from Pakistan for Friends Without Borders. Ghalib with his best friend from India, Arveen Singh made a short film showing about their friendship across borders and different cultures. UNICEF selected the video for World Youth Conference in Mexico in August, 2011. He started struggling to promote peace and win hearts with love. Those, who thinks that world is calling us terrorist. they are wrong because i think world is admiring my people for struggling to promote peace against terrorism. Ghalib was also selected for Google Project Named Generator. His huge achievement was when Youth Service of America announced him among 25 most influential Young People in the world. That time he was only 17. 

At start, his life was pretty boring. Later he showed his interest in blogging, studying, photography and poetry. He got schooling done from The City School, Sialkot. He did O/A levels. That time he was living an ordinary life. The kick starter was the death of his 3 friends. That made him really depressed. To overcome his depression, he diverted his mind to search how one can actually serves? Ministration of humans evokes the feelings of satisfaction. His torrent of griefs was replaced by the inner peace which was attained by comforting others. So, he founded Rescue Pakistan Youth Foundation and started focusing on his goals to serve humanity. He decided to collect fund for flood victims. It was very difficult to start. In his interview to BBC news, he said, "We made several attempts to contact the government and coordinate their relief efforts, but received no response." Then, he himself decided to do this Herculean task. Later, 40 volunteers joined him. But this wasn't stopped here. Ghalib's attention was grasped by another devastation caused by Fukushima earthquake and tsunami in Japan in April, 2011. He geared himself for another mission with his team. He said," The lives of millions of happy people were uprooted and homes were leveled to the ground. So, we geared up to help the Japanese people and managed to raised a million rupees. Giana, a Japanese friend, assisted us in distributing funds in her country." 

I asked him about his feelings, interest and experience. 
How it feels when you help others? 
"It feels great when you help a stressed heart. The smile that you get to see is the satisfaction that can let you live all your life in peace that you can live
your life with it."

Any Groom in your personality through this?
 He simply replied on this, "It helps me to live." 

Now What are you striving for?
"I want to work on my dream project. The dream project is to educate Pakistan. Every kid who is out of school gets to go to the school." Furthermore, he wants
to involve everyone in this dream work. In the last of the interview, He has shared a message to the world that 
"If everyone of us starts doing little things for social good. Everyday we'll eventually make this world a better and happy place to live in it. We need more of compassion, love and happiness. We should always encourage happiness and social good." 

Ghalib is thoroughly inspired by Dr. Abdul Sattar Edhi. His quotes and social work infused in him a new spirit of serving his people. And through Rescue Pakistan Youth Foundation, he did many prestigious projects. In which, there did Flood Relief Efforts__ in 2010, for blood victims they raised more than 100,000$. With which they build schools, shops and shelter homes in northern areas of Pakistan. They also provided monetary assistance to 300 families. So that, they could able to start their business again. 
Iftari for poor__ in the blessed month of Ramadan of 2011. They started this project. Through which they had put all their efforts to eradicate hunger from their native city Sialkot. In their first attempt they fed approximately 1700 poor people in Sialkot. In 2012, they served 7500 people throughout the month. And in 2013, they targeted local big slum area of Sialkot where they supplied food to 16000 people. Gradually, they are achieving more. 
They consoled 500 people by ejecting them from hassles and gave them a reason to live. This was the virtual project of '30 Days of Bliss'.
Skype for Evolution in Pakistan__ Through which they connected with poor slum kids by using skype and showed them the urban life by spreading awareness and knowledge to remove the gaps. Later they collected fund from Japan's flood victims. 
They are also working on an amazing project that is 'Rozgaar'. Through this, they're providing some capital to help people to start their own business. Yet 3 people have been helped and now they're earning 12 thousand per month.
They are also providing monthly food ration by organizing 'Rashan Program'. They've served more than 900 people in winter season with warm cloths eg. socks and sweaters via 'Fill the Gap' project. And in summer they installed water pumps in the slum areas of Sialkot and facilitated people with clean water. 
Besides all these, there major project was based on 'Azaad Pakistan' which was started in 2013 and carried out till 14th August, 2014. This project aims to complete at least 14 tasks for Pakistan. Ghalib shared that "'Azaad Pakistan' was started up in 2013 when he saw on TV the Coca Cola's advertisement of 14 Acts for Pakistan. I thought of why just on 14th August. Why not do this everyday? I talked to my team and we had this idea to run such a year long project in which we'll do a lot of projects but minimum 14. As it said 14 acts of Pakistan. Later i named it 'Azaad Pakistan'. At the start they were only 6. now they are around 200 members working on this project. 

Ghalib has proved that together we can solve our problems. Not only ours but also others problems. Together, as a nation, we can achieve, we can build this country at our own and together we can strive to achieve more. Rumi said, 
"Gamble everything for love. If you are a true human being." 

True humans worship love. And we Pakistani are humans not the terrorists. 

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