Friday 9 January 2015

King Club Organization --- By Remsha Jhutt

Pakistan, a country striving for its prosperity. its inhabitants looking for peace within the country. not only for peace also looking for their basic needs. According to the survey of World Bank's Poverty Head Count Analysis for 2014, if income per adult in Pakistan is taken as $1.25 per day, then 21.04% of the population is living  below the poverty line(estimation is based on 2008's population survey). There are many NGO's working for the needy people in Pakistan. Many organisations giving training to the youth and trying to promote peace. But here I'm going to disclose with you about an organization with the motive to serve all humanity without chauvinism. Yes! we've such spirit in our veins.
Sialkot____ the city of great philosopher, poet and mystic, Iqbal. This city has been blessed with many saints. in 1966, Government of Pakistan awarded the "Hilal e istaqlal"to the citizens of Sialkot for their bravery during Indo-Pak war. Kings Club Organization is working in a broader way with the goal to bring together a wide range of organizations from all around the world to local level, to consolidate and strengthen the peace efforts of countries, organizations and individuals all around the world.  They are bonding relationship between local and international communities and business leaders. They believe in promoting peace, love and humanity not only in Pakistan but also in the whole world. KCO participates in the various projects vital to their motive of spreading peace, humanity, including helping the poor, visiting the less privileges homes and providing basic needs to the victims of natural disasters. KCO is also influencing people about world peace by promoting human rights, empowering women and prospering Pakistan by morale development of her inhabitants. A part from this, KCO also promoting education by giving scholarships. No 
doubt, our country really need such efforts.

Lets see how KCO is getting successful. As Bill Gates said, "As we look into the future leaders will be those that empower others." Yes! this is what KCO's 34 members are doing. I interviewed Mr Ali Sandal the president of KCO. Despite having a very busy schedule he allotted me his precious time for an interview. He shared that his journey was started in 2008 with the national disaster.

19 years old Ali Sandal, belongs to the Sandal family in Sialkot, Pakistan. The spirit of humanity, he had got from his ancestors. They were also very found of serving humanity. His grandfather was the charter member of Sialkot Lions Club(secular and non political service organization). He had adapt from his family how to love their own people. When one has a moral rectitude then he can't sit idle when other folks are in trouble. Same situation was with Ali. He gird up his lions and with his unending passion he provided succour to the victims of national disasters like earthquake and flood. His cacoethes for serving humanity is boundless. His aim is protect the human rights, promoting education for every child and empowering women. To achieve all these purposes he came up with the idea to explore the organizations all around the world on this common purpose and bind them all together to fulfill their goals more adequately. For this, he got support from his cousins and friends.
With the efforts of his team, he called a meeting on the 20th June, 2009 and formed KCO. Now there are 34 members in KCO. Mr. Ali sandal said that "Now I've been experience of 6 years and i think journey of KCO is getting easier."  I asked him what message you want to convey to the youth. he replied, "being young, I think we should work to make Pakistan rise and shine." He also praises his entire team and friends who joined him in this mission.

20th June, 2009, Mr. Ali Sandal cutting cake with his KCO team members.

KCO has given the responsibility of vice President to Mr. Sultan Javed. From his early life he wanted to be a businessman. But now, somehow, aspiration has been changed. With deep impacted words he said, "From childhood I wanted to be a businessman but I did not know that future is unpredictable. So now, i just want to be a gentleman and to be good in every field of life."
Living a simple life__ his dream was also simple but divergent in all its way. Eleanor Roosevelt, an American politician, diplomat and an activist,(also known as "First Lady of the World")said, 

"Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give." 

Sultan Javed is also such kind of person who finds pleasure by making other blissful. Happiness is divisible and its a right of every person in this world. Even the small things with great love can cause of perpetual happiness. Sultan realized that people in Pakistan are losing their hope and they are craving for little things. Their desire for meal has bound them to dream high. So, now Mr. Sultan has decided to survive and by adjacent his own dreams with their joys. In this world, people
usually strives for their own-selves but Sultan's all efforts are only for the betterment of the society. As, I've mentioned earlier that KCO is also promoting human rights and women empowerment. As we know, in our country, slave class is in thrall to the affluent class. Women are maltreated by the male dominating society. Its all because they've no awareness about their rights. Therefore, he is influencing others from the platform of KCO and making people aware about their rights. 

Vice President Sultan Javed

The things that irritates our people are lack of education; political system; lack of justice; high rate of poverty; corruption and selfishness. And these things are really obnoxious to all of us, to all of our youth, to all of the sensible beings like Sultan Javed. He said that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) is his favorite personality as he is the most perfect, complete and first law giver of the world. Later I asked him to share something with the youth of Pakistan. He said the words that evince the fidelity sentiments he has for his own people.

"First of all be united for the peace and development of your country. Your actions should depict your love for nation. Don't mess with your own people just because of political issues which are hot topic in our country now a days. Serve your people as best as you can for the betterment of your country."

Sultan and Ali, both are following the footsteps of their ancestors. They are following with their 34 members in team KCO, the teachings of Islam to complete this mission. They both inspired by Abdul Sattar Edhi__ a famous Pakistani philanthropist, social activist and humanitarian. Now running a world's largest ambulance service and operates free nursing homes, orphanages, clinics, women's shelter and rehab centers for drug addicts and mentally ill individuals. A red salute to this person!

In the last, i just want to share that Pakistan and its inhabitants are not what others has depict us. We are being slaughtered by beasts(terrorists). It doesn't mean that we are beasts. I'm sharing this just to show you that we want peace and one day we will have paece. We mourn in the agony of our compatriots because we are real humans and we know humanity. This is my miraculous land and its townsfolk are paragon of humanity. 

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