Sunday 21 December 2014

"Find Hope" by Zarsha Sarfraz

What is the relation between a creator and the creature? Is it worship? Allah says in Quran:-
“And I didn’t create the jinn and mankind except to worship me”
But there is also another relation between Allah and His creature and that is the relation of “Belief and Trust”.
“God is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth”
People say they pray to Allah but their wishes do not come true and their prayers are not accepted. But I don’t think so. My belief is that Prayers are always accepted. Allah never disappoints His Creature. There are three ways of the acceptance of pray:-
  1. First Allah blessed a person with the same things he wants.
  2. Second He does not give him what he wants but bless him with something better.
  3. Third He may protect him from any hardship on behalf of his pray.

But Allah always listens to his Creatures. Only one fall in the life of a person forces him to think that he can’t reach his destination. Every person wants to reach his destination by passing through the route he likes. And when he remain unsuccessful in going through that route he thinks that he has lost his destination. He complains to Allah why He did not help him. This is the psycho of an ordinary person and it is true. Many people from us do so. It’s a common thing in our society. But my thinking is different. I think that as there are many routes to a place, in the same way there are many ways to our destination but they are unknown to us. But Allah knows all that ways and routes. Maybe He carried a man to his destination through a way which is unknown to him.
So a person should have a strong faith in Allah. A person should be confident about the acceptance of his pray. Allah’s plans are always better than our dreams. We should thank him for all He has done.
Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab said:-
“My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me and that what misses me was never meant for me”.
Whatever He has done with you is for your goodness. Allah never oppress his creature but a man himself is tyrant. Say “Alhamdulillah” on everything blessed by him. If you are in trouble just ask for help from Him and He will open several ways for you. Its Allah’s job to bless his creation. Our job is to pray, believe and then wait. Allah says in Quran:-
“Whoever fears Allah, Allah will find a way out for him and He will provide for him from sources that he could never have imagined.
One more thing is that Allah’s help will be with you only when you will also do something for yourself. This is not the right thing that you keep sitting by putting hands on your knees and complain to Allah that He has done nothing for you. He will also ask you “what you have done for yourself?” A man should put his 100% efforts and then should leave the decision on Allah, He will surely help him. Just imagine you are sitting on a chair and a glass of water is placed on a table but the table is at a distance and you are thirsty then you have to stand up to pick that glass of water and to quench your thirst. If u keep on sitting and pray to Allah that may He give you that glass of water then it will be impossible. No angel will come to help you. You have to use your efforts.
The purpose of writing this article is to take out people from the dark street of hopelessness, to aware people about the power of Allah and to urge them to have faith in Allah.

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