An empire, in which satisfied masses were living without any clamour complaint. Anxiety only belonged to those who committed something evil. After this, they were acquainted with their cessation. Innocence was at its peak. She was satisfied with the emperor. Innocence knew that the justice autotrophic king killed of his loved ones for the sake of her justice. The emperor crucified brother who was the murderer of a sole sponsor of one’s family. He killed his brother in law who was engaged in corruption. He did not desist gallows his son who was indulged with traitors during the war. He was only bounds to GOD’s law. Nothing was beyond his for him. He never cried for his dynasty. His first and last center of attraction was his masses and the empire’s survival and security. He was not only a king. He was also a true patriotic leader. His creed was the power he gets is not above the Magnificent God.

    His was the man of his words and was never dominated by his sensual desires but he suppressed them under the rubble of justice and fidelity. Foes were afraid of bribing him. His compatriots were prepared to give scarifies for his justice and enemies were forced to bow before him. He summoned his own death into mind before sleeping every night. The emperor dedicated his whole life for the peace and fairness. In his last moments, there wasn’t burden on his heart. His Kingdom used to think that he was the great king. But in fact, he was an exceptional and a faithful slave. They were slaves___ the whole empire and the emperor. Their slavery was for the peace, justice, freedom, love, religion and loyalty.

Shucks! How pleasant were you!.......

    Another kingdom you may not call it a big kingdom. Actually, it was just a small country. In which the upset masses were quite confused. They even didn’t know to whom they should go and ask for their rights and justice? Their dignity was trampled. Honor was only for those who were in power. There was scarcity of everything. It was hard to find something to eat twice a day. Their lives had no value. There was a swamp of offenses and the whole city was drenched with sacred blood of innocents. But the one, who was thinking himself the king, was the slave of his evil instincts. His derelict was enough to depict the enormity of the city. Instead of blood his pulses were filled with evil aspirations. And the sole passion running into his pulses was the lust for money. Despite all these, there were some people who called themselves his activist and consider him their lord. King’s own grieves was only considerable but its true a leopard can’t change his spots. In the mirror of his castle he could only see his reflection. The sobbing of the masses could not reach castle. They were also slaves__ the king was of his aspirations and the public was of the king. But regret! Aftermath upshot was only devastating for the state.

Alas! It was quite heart crushing.

    It is up to us that how do we determine right and wrong? Don’t you think that you are banging your head against brick wall? As Buddha said,

“The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.”

Dear compatriots just try to find new ways to live in dignified Pakistan.

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