Friday 30 September 2016

"PROPHET ISAIAH"---By Remsha Jhutt

According to the Islamic believe, there were 1 lac and 24000 messenger sent down to earth into different nations and tribes to convey the message of Allah. But we know about very few of them which are mentioned in Quran. To be a Muslim it is important to believe on the following things:

  1. Believe in the oneness of Allah.
  2. Believe in that the Prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W.) is the last prophet of Allah and no one will come after him.  
  3. Believe in the 4 holy books Torah, Zabur, Bible and Quran
  4. Believe in the angels.   
  5. Believe in all the 1 lac 24000 messengers

As we know that it’s the part of our faith that we believe in all the messengers. We don’t know about them but still we put believe on them in order to obey the message of Allah. As I’ve mentioned above that some of them are mentioned in Quran and as well as in Bible e.g Adam, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and Isaac. Bible has many other messengers about which we don’t know because they are not mentioned in Quran. But the message they preached proves that they were the Prophet of Allah.  I have searched on a Prophet named ISAIAH in Bible. Prophet Isaiah was also sent towards the Hebrews or Israel. Prophet Isaiah was born 8th century B.C (Before Christ). Just like other Prophets, Prophet Isaiah also preached the message of Allah and stood in front of the cruel and corrupt Kings and rich people of Judah (Name of the Kingdom). As we already know that the Hebrew has had many social, moral and religious sins that are similar to the sins that the modern descendants of Israel and Judah are presently committing. Common Hebrew’s life wasn’t more than a slave. Just like other Prophets, Allah also encouraged him. Here are some verses of the book ISAIAH;

  •      “You are My servant, I have chosen you” (Isaiah 41:8-9; Isaiah 49:3).
  •      “I will not remember your sins” (Isaiah 43:25).
  •      “Even I will carry, and will deliver you” (Isaiah 46:4).
  •       "The Lord is “the Redeemer of Israel” (Isaiah 49:7; Isaiah 44:22).

In Christians and Jews, there is a concept about this book is that Prophet Isaiah wrote this book to himself. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia states, “For versatility of expression and brilliance of imagery Isaiah had no superior, not even a rival. His style marks the climax of Hebrew literary art” (“Isaiah,” vol. II, p. 885). The style of writing of epigrams, metaphors, interrogation, dialogue, hyperbole and parables “characterize[s] Isaiah’s book as the great masterpiece of Hebrew literature” (ibid.).  After reading this comment or analyzing the book we can say that this wasn’t written by him. If he wrote that book then he predict about himself in it rather than predicting Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad. Those points that are almost identical to the points mentioned in Quran are intelligible for any Muslim to believe on the prophet-hood of Isaiah. The following are some prophecies about Jesus in both His first and second comings:

  •          He would be born of a virgin.  (Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 8:8, 10). As we know that Prophet Jesus (Essa) was born without a father.
  •          He would be a “stone of stumbling and a rock of offense” (Isaiah 8:14). These verses describes about his bravery.
  •          An eternal “government will be upon His shoulder” and He would be called the “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6-7). As a Muslim we also have this faith that Prophet Jesus haven’t taste the death and he will come again to this world. He will establish the true Islamic system and that age would be so much peaceful and free from all corruption.
  •          The Holy Spirit would “rest upon Him” (Isaiah 11:2). This is the specialty of prophecy that a Prophet is blessed with HIS special favor.

Prophet Isaiah also predicted about Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The prophesies about Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) are mentioned in the 42 chapter of the book of Isaiah. Here are some examples:

  •    Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.

Explanation:  This verse is an indication of Prophet Muhammad by Allah. As we know that the meaning of Mustafa is the one who is chosen. We also know that Al-Noor is the name of Allah and also the name of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). So that is how Allah put his spirit upon him. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is the only Prophet, who is send as a blessing for all the universe.

  •     A bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice.

Explanation: The most important words: "he will faithfully bring forth justice." It is a fact to which all the biographies of Prophet Muhammad (saws) testify that he never told a lie. He always took the side of justice. In his prophet hood, he managed to bring justice to the pagan Arabs.

  •    He will not grow faint or be crushed until he has established justice in the earth; and the coast-lands wait for his teaching.

Explanation: The Prophet was attacked, plots were made to kill him, people threw trash on him, called him a poet, called him a philosopher, and they even fought war with him and his faithful companions. None of the attempts of the pagans succeeded, and the Prophet was never scared, he never grew faint (to use the words of Isaiah), and he finally established justice in all Arabia.  And eventually his beautiful preaching spread throughout Asia and then the world.

Prophet Isaiah preached the message of Allah to the generation of Israel. But they ignored his teachings. They were the most treacherous nation. As about their treacherous is mentioned in Quran and in Bible also. Allah warned them many times but they never stopped from doing sins. Like other Prophets they also murdered Prophet Isaiah. Israelites martyred him and sawn him in two parts.  

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