Monday 5 September 2016


They were lying with the sides of their faces on ground. Their faces were covered with mud and blood. They were having their last breath but they had smiles on their faces. Maybe they were able to see the beautiful sight of Jannah before them. Maybe some of them can see the sacred face of Prophet (S.A.W) looking at them with smile on His face. After all they sacrificed their lives for the protection of an Islamic State. So the Holy Prophet and Allah were happy on them. They were going to have high ranks in Jannah. People were celebrating the victory and feeling proud on their soldiers. Although mothers of the martyrs had some sadness on their face for losing their sons but that was a moment of pride for them too because their sons had sacrificed their lives for an Islamic state.
On 6th September 1965, armies of both countries were fighting at their best to save their country. But Allah’s help is for those who fight on the path of Allah. The Indian Army was about to win the war but at this critical moment our soldiers decided to destroy the Military tanks of enemy by sacrificing their lives. They did it by lying under the tanks of enemy with bombs tied to their chest. They died in the eyes of the world but they were alive for their beloved nation. They not only won the war but won the hearts of people. They made the history.
Defense day is not just a day of celebration. It is a day to pay tribute to the Pakistani soldiers. It is a day to rememorize the sacrifice of our soldiers. It is a day to make promise to this land that we will always be available to sacrifice our lives whenever there is a threat to Pakistan. It is a day to make promise that we will make a relation of unity and brotherhood with our country fellows.
Lucky is the nation who has an army consist of brave soldiers, who do not care about their lives, who only care about their country. In this regard Pakistan is the blessed country. Pakistan army is the best army in the world. It’s an ideal army for the world. All the countries idealize our army. That is why other countries fear that they cannot defeat Pakistan. Pakistan is a blessed land. It is a land of great people. It is a land of loving people. It is a land with natural borders. It is a land with natural beauty. It is a land full of love and respect. It is a land where women are seen with respect. It is a land where people give respect to elders. It is a land of passionate and hardworking people. In short, Pakistan is a complete package. Nothing is incomplete, the need is to realize our strengths.

On this defense day, we as a whole nation should make a promise to be honest with our country. Let’s make a promise to do our duties with full responsibilities. Let’s make a promise to do something for the betterment of this country. Because this land is our Identity and we have to make it great.

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