Friday 24 October 2014

Inside Pakistan Part1 --- By Remsha Jhutt

In Pakistan, the world itself is a trick. Self interested politicians and the nation is drenched in its own grieves.  In such a condemnable situation no one can compensate for other’s misery. But still there are some folks with kind heart. They are always ready to serve their nation with their red.  Sajeel Ahmad, a stripling with his tormenting sentiments of individual philanthropy.  20 years old Sajeel lives in the city of Sialkot at Punjab. He completed his A level from the City School. Apart from this he is a social activist and an event organizer.

Let me tell one thing how I met him? Actually, I have been so lucky in this matter that I always met to the people having spirit of humanity. I met him in the youth leadership event. He was my team leader. His personality was quite humble and he was much different from his age fellows. This was because of his egalitarian spirit. At the age of 16, one of his friends decided to form an organization name ‘Rescue Pakistan Youth Foundation’. And he did so. He was so much passionate from his early age. Later his passion became the reason of his undying love for his people. People live for their ownselves but he found his meaning of life in others happiness. As Bob Marley said,


Through this organization he with his friends helped needy people. In 2011, he joined his friend in a project of ‘Iftaar for Poors’. From 2011, they have started this project whereby they arranged Iftaar for poor on road. So that, they can offer sacred duty in the blessing month of Ramadan. He worked as a volunteer in this project but he felt a great relief. In the starting year of this project they served 3000 people. But in the start they also faced a hurdle. Setting Aftaar on roads was itself a good idea but it wasn’t proper. Affluent folks also started to come there for Iftaar while this was not their right. Instead of settling on roads they started reaching to the substandard areas of Sialkot. Where, they supplied food to those who really deserve this. In 2012, the number of people doubled to 6000. In 2013, the served number of people soared to 16000. And in 2014 the ratio was more than the previous. The increasing ratio of people is pointing towards their successful journey.
Gradually, the project expanded and became popular. Many people joined their team. And with the team of 20 members, they surveyed the orphanages, background areas and widow houses for helping the needy people. Sajeel is a paragon of virtue and his inner being was insisting him to do more work for his people. So he didn’t stop. With his team, he started a new project in which they collected warm clothes for those who have nothing to wear in the ripping winter. They collect fund from all over the world through internet. When they started uploading pictures of their projects the people encouraged them for their social work.

Substandard areas of Pakistan are deprived from the facility of clean water. Water is the key element of human life. Sewage can cause many diseases. And if we talk about our government, they do not pay any attention in such issues. So there team started a project of installing hand pumps of clean water. This was not the struggle of only Sajeel. The whole team was with him. It’s just the beginning and they are quite energetic for the service of our motherland.

The purpose of sharing this is to tell the world about real Pakistan and its inhabitants. As I always say, this is not just a land it’s a miraculous land, which came into existence with miracle and still surviving as a miracle despite of having calamities. Those who are killing us are not from us anymore, because miracles only belong to the innocents not to the butchers. You will love us (Pakistanis) after knowing us (Pakistanis). 

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