Wednesday 6 September 2017


The political and economic centre of the empire was the Island of Meroe, a territory bounded by the Nile, the Blue Nile and the Atbara. The official culture was based on that of Pharaonic Egypt, but it was being penetrated more and more by local Meroitic elements, typified above all by the depiction of the king, queen and other members of the royal family. From out of the shadow of the god Amun came the local creator god Apedemak. In the economy, the breeding of cattle played a greater role, as did long-distance trade. 

"SAY NO TO COLD DRINKS" --- By Zarsha Sarfraz

Sodas are sweet, sparkling and engaging — however do not confuse them with a healthy drink. Doctors have discovered a lot of health risks connected with drinking soda. Worse, you are robbing yourself of a healthy drink different brimful with required vitamins and minerals anytime you chug down a potable.

"If you are selecting a soda, likelihood is that you are not selecting a healthy potable," says Keri M. Gans, a nutrition adviser in the New York City and an interpreter for the American Diet Association. There are variety of healthy drink decisions you'll take instead.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

"DIET AND DIABETES" --- By Zarsha Sarfraz

“Food can either promote diabetes or help prevent it, depending on how it affects the body’s ability to process glucose,” says Elizabeth Ricanati, MD, medical director of the Cleveland Clinic’s life style 180 Program in Cleveland. “People ought to avoid foods that increase blood glucose and those that raise sterol, like processed foods, foods high in saturated fats or with trans fats, and foods with another sugars and syrups.”