Sunday 21 December 2014

"Find Hope" by Zarsha Sarfraz

What is the relation between a creator and the creature? Is it worship? Allah says in Quran:-
“And I didn’t create the jinn and mankind except to worship me”
But there is also another relation between Allah and His creature and that is the relation of “Belief and Trust”.
“God is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth”
People say they pray to Allah but their wishes do not come true and their prayers are not accepted. But I don’t think so. My belief is that Prayers are always accepted. Allah never disappoints His Creature. There are three ways of the acceptance of pray:-
  1. First Allah blessed a person with the same things he wants.
  2. Second He does not give him what he wants but bless him with something better.
  3. Third He may protect him from any hardship on behalf of his pray.