Monday 8 August 2016


Kashmir conflict has a long story of brutal violence and killing by  Indian military forces to suppress the struggle for freedom .India always want to remain dominant in the territory by all means and using all the available resources to crush the struggle of Kashmiri people.Although the brutality and injustice being  done to Kashmiri people is not something which is hidden from the western world.`But the fact is that no one has a concern to resolve this issue.
That's why when ever the issue has been highlighted in any platform never went to any logical solution. Unfortunately the Kashmir conflict never remain the priority of UN or any other power to be solved according to the wish and will of Kashmiri people. the Indian military has broken all the rules of human rights through violence and massive killing of Kashmiri people. 

A large number of innocent people were killed during the last two decades.hence Kashmiri has left with no option to raise the arms and fight themselves for struggle for independence .the recent killing of Burhan Wani commander of freedom fighters and after that forces attacked unarmed mourners and protesters with guns, pellet guns and tear gas which caused more then 80 casualties including women and children along side more 4000 are injured.the western world should pay deeply concern about the armed violence perpetrated by the Indian state through its 700,000 security forces on civilians in India-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. .India is trying hard to label this freedom fight as terrorism.hence only the condemnation statement is not enough to express the solidarity with Kashmiri people, lot more efforts are needed to resolve this conflict.

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