Sunday 20 August 2017

"THE REGRET"--- By Zarsha Sarfraz

It was a cold night in London. Some labors were working on a project. The project was assigned by a multinational company in London. The labors were hired from different countries. Ahmed was also a labor. He came from Pakistan there. He was a young guy having moustaches. Ahmed’s work had been admired by the company many times. No doubt he was the most talented worker, the company could ever had. Ahmed was very emotional person and lose his temper very
easily. One of his fellow worker Andrew who was a Nigerian asked Ahmed to hand him a screw driver. Ahmed did the same. Andrew took the screw driver with a smile from Ahmed and started working. They had climbed up on a pole. Andrew was a little higher than Ahmed. Andrew was opening a nail with screw driver and suddenly the screw driver slipped from his hand and hit Ahmed’s head. Ahmed lose his temper and slapped on his face. There was a huge silence in workers after watching this. Ahmed ran to his house then.

Ahmed was lying on his bed and was thinking about the event that took place on that day. Ahmed was ashamed of his act. But he also had a fear that what would happen now. Maybe Andrew would complain against him and he would be thrown out of company. Then he thought he should resign from the company by himself. He thought, it would be best to resign and leave this city as soon as possible. Because maybe Andrew would harm him to get revenge. He said, he would resign on the next morning. He spent his whole night thinking about that event.

Next day Ahmed went to the office of Manager and talked to him about his resignation. The manager was not happy because Ahmed was a good employ and he did not want to lose him. But anyhow he accepted his resignation. The Manager asked him to attend the annual dinner of the employ for the last time before leaving. Ahmed accepted his proposal.

It was a night of annual dinner of the employs. Fresh and delicious meals were served to the employs. There was huge joy and happiness on their faces. Everyone was enjoying. Some bands gave their performances on the stage. Ahmed attended the annual dinner and he knew Andrew was also there. Andrew was constantly staring at him in the crowd. Ahmed was so worried. After a while Andrew started moving towards the stage staring at Ahmed. He said something to the stage host. The host handed over the mike to Andrew. Andrew got the attention of people and then said, “Good evening people! I hope you are enjoying this evening. I am also an employ and we all are like a family. I want all of you to know that Ahmed one of our friend is resigning from this company.” Listening his name, a wave of fear moved across the body of Ahmed but instantly it vanished when Andrew said, “Ahmed is a great friend of mine and I am really sad to hear about his resignation. I don’t want to lose him. He is the proud of this company and I want him to work with us again whenever he wants. We will always ready to welcome him.” Ahmed was so much surprised and embarrassed too. He wanted to say something to Andrew but some feelings cannot be expressed in words. 

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