Saturday 20 August 2016


Have you ever seen angels on this Earth? Have you ever talked to them? Well I have seen them.
They are the Founder and all the people working day and night for the success of Faisalabad institute of Research science and technology (FIRST). They are the people who are representing a very good image of Pakistan. This university is situated at about 30 mins journey from centre of Faisalabad in a village. It is offering undergraduate programs e.g Bs (hons) in Biotechnology to students on scholarships. The ideology behind this university is to offer free education to the people all over the Pakistan who are passionate about getting education but can’t afford it but Akhuwat University is a very good platform for them to achieve their goals. Why Akhuwat is offering Bs (hons) in Biotechnology? As we know biotechnology has a very vast scope in present era. It includes techniques related to life. e.g production of insulin through bacteria and fermentation techniques are all included in this branch. The university is going to offer a new program which is BBA biotechnology where students will not only be able to learn about biotechnology but also they will be able to learn the ideas to start a successful business. The mission of this university is to bring the attention of students towards research activities.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

MIND_ OUR NATURAL MENTOR--- By Azizullah Bangash

We – the human beings – are created with a sense of realization, developing thoughts and to be able to take effective actions. Mind and heart are the great gifts we have been blessed with which makes us the most powerful creation on the land. Heart generates emotions while thoughts are being processed in the mind.  So mind guides and directs our emotions and produces responses and reactions accordingly.

Mind is the push factor behind every thought and every action we take- from interaction with self to communicating with others; from hunger to eating; from walking to sleeping; from study to sports; from home to job and from learning to action. We mostly hear that emotions hurt and that fact is true emotions lack in calculating the facts and figures; merits and demerits of the responses to be produced.

Monday 8 August 2016


Kashmir conflict has a long story of brutal violence and killing by  Indian military forces to suppress the struggle for freedom .India always want to remain dominant in the territory by all means and using all the available resources to crush the struggle of Kashmiri people.Although the brutality and injustice being  done to Kashmiri people is not something which is hidden from the western world.`But the fact is that no one has a concern to resolve this issue.

Sunday 7 August 2016

The Great Library of Alexandria was destroyed not by fire.--- By Iva Nakládalová

The Great Library of Alexandria was destroyed by budget cuts, not fire. The Truth is sad and ugly.

One of the great tragedie sof ancienit history, memorialized in myths and late in films, is the burning of the great library at Alexandria. But the reality was actually a lot less pyrotechnic than that. A major cause of the Library´s ruin was government budget cuts.

Alexandria was a hellenistic city founded in Egypt by Alexander der Great. Ptolomy II. Soter, who ruled after Alexander, wanted to found a museum in the Greek style, based on Aristotle´s Lyceum in Athens. He imagined that this place – called Ptolemaic Mouseion Academy – would attract great scholars from all over the world. No longer would Alexandria be a colonial backwater or just a nice vacation spot for rich Greeks. Instead, it would become a great city of wealth and learning. 

And so, 283 BCE, the great library at Alexandria was born. Over decades, its librarians and scholars packed it with hundreds of thousands of Scroll. Academics from all over the Mediterranean and Middle East came to give lectures there, and to consult its texts. A tone point, over 100 scholars lived there full time, supported by state stipends that helped them maintain the scrolls, translate and copy them, and conduct research. As time went on, the city opened another branch of the library at the Temple of Serapis – this was often called the „daughter library“.