Friday 12 May 2017

"PROPHET ELISHA" -- By Remsha Jhutt

This world will become a heaven for all of us if we get to know that we all belong to the
same origin. Somewhere in our religion, somewhere in our holy books, there are some indications to harmonize all of us with the same divine. Muslim’s believe many prophets were sent to the various nations to preach the religion of Abraham and Ismail and this succession was ended on Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W). From Adam to Muhammad, we have faith on all Prophets. Only 25 Prophets out of 124,000 Prophets are mentioned in Quran. And others are unknown to us but we still believe that they were sent to their nations to preach the divine laws. Allah said in Quran that

Of some messengers we have already told you the story; of others we have not” (Quran 4; 164).

We can find some unknown Prophets from other divine books like Bible and Torah. Prophet Elisha is one of those mentioned in Bible and Torah as well.
Prophet Elisha was a Hebrew Prophet. He was sent towards the people of Hebrew living in the age of 800 B.C in Israel. Children of Israel were the most beloved nation of Allah. But they proved most disobedient nation. Allah has sent many Prophets towards them between the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, to turn them into the path of righteousness. Prophet Elisha is mentioned in Quran as Al Yasa. Prophet Elisha was the cousin of Prophet Elijah also mentioned in Quran as Prophet Ilyas. Allah said in Quran,

And commemorate Ismail, Al-Yasa and Dhul-kifl; each of them was of the company of! the good.” (Quran 38:48).

“And Zachariah and John and Jesus and Ilyas all in the ranks of the righteous; and Ismail and Elisha (Al-Yasa) and Jonas and Lot; each have I preferred above the nations.   (To them) and their fathers and progeny and brethren, I chose them and I guided them to a straight way.”  (Quran 6: 85-87)

One day Prophet Elisha was working in his fields and Prophet Elijah passed through these fields. After seeing him Prophet Elisha rushed towards him and started following him. Prophet Elijah noticed him and asked him that why do you accompany me after leaving your work? Prophet Elisha retraced his steps and fetched his ox. He slaughtered it and cooked the beef. He presented it to Prophet Elijah, his companions and many other guests to seek the pleasure of Allah. Prophet Elijah was much pleased with his hospitality and piousness. After that, when Prophet Elijah was about to leave, Prophet Elisha expressed his desire to live rest of his life with such a pious and spiritual person and to serve him whole heartedly and with devotion. Prophet Elijah was fascinated by his good moral. That is why he allowed him to do so.
When the Prophet Elijah was on his death bed, he wished to bid him farewell. While Prophet Elisha wasn’t ready to leave him. Then Prophet Elijah asked him to express his desire that he want to be full filled. Prophet Elisha wished: May Allah bestow His blessings upon me as He has bestowed on you. Prophet Elijah supplicated and invoked blessings of Allah upon his successor. His prayer was granted and Allah chose Elisha for the prophecy after Prophet Elijah. After some time Prophet Elisha proceeded to Yariha to preach the religion of Allah. The inhabitants of Yariha gave him a warm reception. At that time they were under the spell of starvation. The land was barren and water was not available. Prophet Elisha supplicated to Allah to show mercy to the famine-stricken people. His prayer was granted and Allah showered His bounties upon them.

Allah granted Prophet Elisha with some miracles in which the famous miracle was the River of Jordan. Once there was a man. His name was Namaan and he was suffering from leprosy. He came to Prophet Elisha and asked to cure him. Prophet Elisha told Namaan to wash seven times in the River of Jordan. You would be healed. Namaan obeyed Prophet and did so.He washed seven times in the river. He was healed. His sores was gone and he got cured from leprosy. Prophet Elisha was blessed with another miracle of bringing back life to the dead person. Once an old women and her husband asked Prophet Elisha to live with them in their house. They were old and had no children. Prophet Elisha told them they would have a son. They did not believe him but they had a son. One day the son got a swear headache. He told about it to his parents. His mother held him into her arms and soon the son died due to the headache. His mother put his body on Prophet Elisha’s bed. Prophet Elisha came into the room and shut the door. He prayed to Allah and touched the son. Allah accepted the prayer of Prophet Elisha and the boy sneezed seven times and then opened his eyes. Allah helped Prophet to bring the boy back to life. 

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